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SMSF Updates

Personal transfer balance caps displayed from 11 July

20 May, 2023

Individuals will have a personal transfer balance cap between $1.6 and $1.9 million based on the highest ever balance of their transfer balance account between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2023. While indexation will occur on 1 July 2023 the general transfer balance cap, the ATO will be displaying member’s personal transfer balance caps until 11 July 2023.

From 11 July:

  • members will be able to view their personal transfer balance cap in ATO online services
  • agents will be able to view their client’s details in Online services for agents.

To ensure member’s personal transfer balance cap calculations are based on correct and up to date information we encourage funds to report any events that occurred prior to 1 July 2023 by 30 June 2023.


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