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SMSF Updates

How many SMSFs in Australia?

30 Oct, 2019

Based on ATO’s recent Self-managed super fund quarterly statistical report – June 2019,  the latest statistics on the self-managed super fund (SMSF) sector includs:

  • there are 599,678 SMSFs
  • there are 1,125,201 members of SMSFs
  • the total estimated assets of SMSFs are $748 billion
  • the top asset types held by SMSFs (by value) are:
    • listed shares (31% of total estimated SMSF assets)
    • cash and term deposits (21%)
  • the average assets per SMSF were $1.3 million
  • the average assets per SMSF member were $679,000

The below table shows the SMSF historical data from 2014 to 2019 financial year.

Population table – annual data
Year Establishments Windups Net establishments Total number of SMSFs Total members of SMSFs
June 2019 19,945 2,120 17,825 599,678 1,125,201
June 2018 25,429 22,730 2,699 581,853 1,091,086
June 2017 30,472 13,792 16,680 579,154 1,091,554
June 2016 32,844 12,467 20,377 562,474 1,059,791
June 2015 33,767 13,087 20,680 542,097 1,026,270
June 2014 33,354 12,673 20,681 521,417 987,357
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