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Category: Blog

ATO Self-managed super fund statistical report
17 Aug, 2012

The latest self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) statistical report is updated to December 2011. It includes the  information on the SMSF population, asset allocation and quarterly establishment rates. -In December 2011, there were 458,561 SMSFs in Australia. -On average, there are about 30,0..Read More

Roll over a Term Allocated Pension (TAP) from industry fund to a SMSF
14 Aug, 2012

It is very important to examine when the Term Allocated Pension commenced because the Asset- test exemption (ATE) may apply. - Term Allocated Pension (TAP) purchased prior to 20 September 2004 are eligible for a 100% asset test exemption - TAP purchased from 20 September 2004 to 19 September 2007 ..Read More

SMSF Trustees to value the assets at market value
09 Aug, 2012

The Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 2) has been registered and requires trustees of self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) to value assets of the fund at their "market value" when preparing accounts and statements from the 2012–13 income year. A new operatin..Read More

Tax Free and Taxable components of Superannuation Benefits
02 Aug, 2012

As a member of a SMSF, your benefits normally comprise a Tax Free Component and a Taxable Component. You can see these two components in the Member Statements that iCare Super provides to you. Tax Free component consists of: -A contributions segment, which will consist of non-concessional con..Read More

Self-managed super funds and tax exemptions on pension assets
02 Aug, 2012

The tax application for capital gains and capital losses are different for segregated and unsegregated assets. If your SMSF only has used assets segregation method to support the pension accounts, you should ignore any realised capital gains or capital losses. In other words, the net capital will..Read More

Attaining preservation age itself is not a condition of release
02 Aug, 2012

Attaining preservation age itself is not a condition of release with a "nil" cashing restriction. Therefore, superannuation benefits transferred to a transition to retirement pension will retain the preservation status they had before they were transferred, i.e. unrestricted non-preserved, restricte..Read More

Condition of release – the cessation of an employment arrangement for a SMSF member aged 60 to 64!
27 Jul, 2012

Where a member of SMSF, aged 60 to 64, is in two or more employment arrangements at the same time, the cessation of one of the employment arrangements is the condition of release in respect of all preserved superannuation benefits accumulated up until that time. The occurrence of the condition of..Read More

Key updates for SMSF advisers and trustees
27 Jul, 2012

The following is an update for the SMSF industry that covers most important facts and figures for the 2012/13 financial year: 1. Concessional contribution limit: $25,000 per member: Contribution cap $50,000 for members over the age of 50 with less than $500,000 super balance has been deferred until..Read More

SMSF Auditor Registration Starts 1 July 2013
18 Jul, 2012

Auditors will need to meet the following requirements to be registered as an SMSF auditor from 1 July 2013: hold a tertiary accounting qualification that includes an audit component or have successfully completed study in audit as part of a professional accounting body program; meet a fit and p..Read More

SMSF Contribution Reserving to Avoid Excess Contribution Tax
26 Jun, 2012

This occurs in the circumstances where a contribution is made to superannuation in June, and if it results in excess contributions for the member for that particular financial year, it could be reserved and allocated to the member’s benefit in July. This results in the contribution being counted u..Read More

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