State/Territory |
Revenue Office Contact Details |
Victoria | State Revenue Office
GPO Box 1641 MelbourneVIC 3001 Ph: 13 21 61 |
Queensland | Office of State Revenue
GPOBox2593 BrisbaneQLD 4001 Ph: 1300 300 734 |
New South Wales | Office of State Revenue
GPOBox4042 SydneyNSW 2001 Ph: (02) 9689 6200 |
Tasmania | State Revenue Office
GPOBox1374 HobartTAS 7001 Ph: 1800 001 388 |
South Australia | Revenue SA
GPOBox1353 Adelaide SA 5001 Ph: 1800 637 778 |
Western Australia | Office of State Revenue
GPOBoxT1600 PerthWA6845 Ph: (08) 9262 1400
ACT | ACT Revenue Office
GPOBox293 Civic Square ACT 2608 Ph: (02) 6207 0028 |
Northern Territory | Territory Revenue Management
GPOBox154 DarwinNT0801 Ph: 1300 305 353 |